Tuesday, December 22, 2009

That day again...

These are two of the most important women in my life! The one on the left is one of my Best Friends and the one on the right is my little sis. I love them and I love that they have the same day of birth. And it's so funny that they love each other so much. Happy birthday to the birthday sisters!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Generational Nitwits

I am in dyer necessity of simple and practical clarification. We are all aware that I am in banking? Correct? Good now that that's settled. Please tell me what is so absolutely painful and earth shattering about filling out one's deposit slip? As a banking rep. I hate filling out customer deposit slips. For a myriad of reasons. I hate it because I am usually trying to do ten other things for the same customer at the same time. I hate it because it isn't my job and the number one reason I hate it is that the customers won't help themselves, they would not think twice if I did it for them, but yet would not think twice about pinning me and trying to get me fired if I filled it out incorrectly. (Dramatic I know, but it has happened) The customer is either too lazy or incompetent (jury is still out on this one) to fill out there own deposit slips, they are incapable of reading the directions on the slip itself. And then when I offer to explain how to do it they huff and puff and blow the bank down. What is the deal? Let's talk about what's on a Deposit Slip...hmmm let's see well, there's your name, your address, the date of your deposit, your amount of what you are depositing, a spot for your signature, oh and your acct. number. Do you see the pattern here, YOUR, YOUR, YOUR, YOUR. Everything that the bank is looking for on that slip, you should know. Why would you expect a bank rep. to fill that out when she sees 100 other people just like you everyday. I have great parents and when I started to make my own money my dad took me to the bank, opened an account and then he taught me proper bank etiquette. He taught me to keep a register, to memorize my acct. number, and to always make sure my slip was filled out before I entered the presence of a teller. Are we not teaching this to our children? Is it the bank's fault that they are enabling a group of relatively competent and normal functioning human beings by filling out everything for them reducing them down to generational nitwits? I am truly confused by this quandary! Not meant to offend only to vent.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Carrie's my girl...

I absolutely love this song and can't believe that it has been a year since I saw her in concert with my little sis. I love this video it's awesome. Happy blogging!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

November: Adoption Awareness Month

My sister made this video. Our family has been so blessed by adoption and these wonderful children. I am so grateful to their birth mothers I can only imagine what a sacrifice this was as I can't imagine life with out these three kids in my life.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Bridesmaid Dress Season

Oh that I looked like this model. I wish! But is this not a pretty teal? I love this dress and I can wear it even after the wedding. So excited for that. Happy Blogging!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Annie Leibovitz

I realize the nerd factors emanating from my blogging presence. But I have to say that this portrait orchestrated by none other than THE ANNIE LEIBOVITZ who you all know I love as I blog about her every year, is one of the best I have ever seen. It's beautiful. Zac Efron and Vanessa Hudgens are fantastically portrayed as Prince Phillip and Aurora from Disney's Sleeping Beauty. Can't wait until next year.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

" Our forefathers never promised happiness, only the pursuit of it."

I have been reading a lot of the ins and outs of Obama's Health care Reform and I have to say that I am a bit confused. It seems like all he is saying is that it will be affordable. Affordable to who? I pay roughly one hundred dollars per month to keep myself insured and cared for. It's not a check I write out, it comes from my salary. Would I love to pocket that money and buy something else or save for a fun trip? Sure I would. Is it a reality? No it's not. I am taken care of by doctors and dentists because I found myself a job which includes a health care program. Now I am a 25 year old female and I realize I have only had that much time to learn about politics, life, and health care, but I beat a lot of people out with my experience of government-run health care because I did that for quite a few of my hospital visits as a little girl. Ask my family and my parents...it isn't fun. I realize that there may be glitches in health care, I have medications I PAY for and take every day and sometimes I get frustrated with my insurance company too. But I pay for the security of knowing that if I need to see a doctor or go to the ER, I can do that because I go to work and I work hard every day of my life for those benefits. Doesn't it seem like there is an easier solution to this ever so dramatic and difficult health care problem? Instead of being insurance-less because you're job-less...GO GET A JOB with a benefits structure. Insurance companies are more than willing to take you on as a customer and guess what? If you have a group program through your employer, OMG you get a discount, imagine that. I think the problem is that there are some Americans that want everything for free. Free of money and free of effort. I read something that inspired my blog title and it said that "Our Forefathers never promised happiness, only the pursuit of it." Being an American only entitles you to what you have worked for, the effort you put forth. I wish more people understood that. Put on your uniform whatever it may be, talk to your employer about benefits, and go to work people. We do it everyday.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

I moved again!

Oh my gosh after an infestation of one hundred ants, two spiders crawling up my leg, one spider in my bed and something that slightly resembled a scorpion just waltzing through our door when I opened it one night...WE HAVE MOVED AGAIN. Third move in a year and a half. But I am much happier I now have a darling little condo with girls that I just love. Pictures to come when I find my camera. Love to all, hope you are all well.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Among things like reading the scriptures, cleaning my new apartment, and reading fashion mags...

I am LOVING this:

Mildly OBSESSED with this:

And completely HOOKED on these DVDs:

WHAT is YOUR guilty pleasure...

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Sarah and Mike Branca June 18th 2009

The Three Besties
All of the Bridesmaids
Sarah and Ams
At the Temple
At the wedding dinner

One of my Best Friends in the world got married last week and once again I got to dress up in pretty clothes and dote on the "Bridal Beauty" of Sarah Geraldine Hammond. This was not difficult, as Sarah was perhaps one of the prettiest and happiest brides I have ever seen. Her happiness was something to covet. She just glowed all day. This is the second wedding in less than a year that Becca and I were asked to be bridesmaids in the same wedding. So once again it was fun to just hang with Becca for a few days. We have been best friends for almost ten years and we don't get to spend that many consecutive moments with each other these days as we are both pretty busy in our lives. The wedding was wonderful. Very pretty, we kept walking around saying "Oh that is so Sarah..." because it was. I love you Sarah. Thank you for endowing me the honor of being a bridesmaid in your wedding. It was a very special moment...and Mike, Welcome to the Family!

Kearns Family Cruise 2009

My trip to the Bahamas started on Friday May 15th. I was moving out of my apartment and I was supposed to be out by the fourteenth. After a very long story and a new apartment I have realized once again that I hate moving and the knowledge that this too was probably temporary, thrills me more than anything. Needless to say I did not go to bed. I packed my house and my cruise luggage until about 4 am and then I boarded my plane in Cedar City at 6 am. We arrived in Florida and stayed at my parents timeshare with the entire Kearns Brood until Sunday when we finally embarked on all that is the Disney Wonder Ship. Disney Cruises are amazing. We had a Balcony suite that was connected to my sister and her family so we always had easy access to communication with them. I felt like royalty, our room was beautiful. Mike and Ashley were not far from us and if you ask them the slept pretty dang well. From the excellent food to the relaxation and ports we had so much fun. I want to publicly thank my Dad. He is amazing. He had this all planned and all we had to do was show up. Thanks Dad you never cease to amaze me with the generosity you render to you kids. I am lucky to be one of the seven. I love you.
Aunt Mame and Ty Ty
The Kearns Girls at the Pirate Party aboard the Disney Wonder

I love this moment in life
Castaway Cay is spectacular. I love the Bahamas!
Mom and Dad with Davis
Mames and KikiMy Greatest Dad

The Original Kearns Sistas

This was on the Way to the Ship

Friday, June 12, 2009

Back to Basics

This last weekend I went to my parent's ward. I have a love/dislike (for lack of a stronger word) relationship with my parent's ward. The problem is that all of those members know me so well. I have known them since I was fourteen years old. Are you ready for an honest moment from Amy... Here goes, It's sometimes hard that on the outside I have accomplished very little in the last couple of years. I haven't graduated yet and I am single. None of that matters to me very much because I know I have learned and accomplished a lot and that is what really matters. So it's difficult to go sometimes. There is one family, The Harvey Family, that I have known my entire life and I love seeing Chrystal Harvey. She was my sister's best friend when they were younger so it's a lot of fun to see her. On Sunday as I was walking into Relief Society I was accosted by Chrystal and my little sister Courtney. Court is going to be a senior and is laurel president and Chrystal holds a calling in the Young Women organization in the ward. They both persuaded me to go with them to YW's. So I did. I needed that. It was wonderful to stand up again and recite the YW's theme. I owe my testimony of the gospel really to two things, the Young Women's organization and my parents. I looked around at the faces of those young girls and I saw hope and innocence. I also saw concern accross thier faces but it was comforted concern knowing that this day, Sunday in Young Women's, would make that concern go away. That if they could just work through it with the Lord and the Gospel they would feel better. As I sat there I felt warm tears stream down my face and went back...it took me back. It was nice to re-group. To get "Back to Basics" in my life. My personal concerns rarely lasted longer than a week in high school because I would solve my problem on Sunday by just feeling that the lord was mindful of me and Young Women's reminded me of that everyweek. If you ever get the chance to go back to Young Women's and re-group, I suggest it. Everyone needs a revitalizationfor life and Young Women's offers that.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Four more sleeps...and counting!

I am so excited that Disney cruise week has begun. This cruise is the single most important motivator for this very tough semester that I have just lived though...and I actually did well I might add. I was really happy with my GPA last semester. The semester kicked my hiney, but I prevailed. Such a great motivator though for getting through it. I remember thinking it was four months away, then at Easter when I was with members of my family we were thinking "Oh yay, four weeks away!' and now only four more sleeps until I leave for Florida to board what I hope to be the greatest vacations ever. And wilth people I love so much. The entire family is on board literally...or will be! Please feel free to comment with any cruise info or advice you may have. I am a cruise first timer. Love to all.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Tyler Marcus turned 7!

Can you even believe it. My Tyler Marcus is seven. I love Ty Ty even more than words can describe there were a lot of hopes, prayers, and emotions circled around this little boy coming to this earth and we knew he had a place in our family. Tyler and I have always shared a really close bond. I love you so much Ty Ty. Thank you for being such a great nephew all the time.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Profound...it's Conan and it's profound. Shocker!

I was sent this video by my sister and I have never laughed so much from a Youtube video. Okay I know...the packaging of the video, not so enticing, it's Conan. But watch it I'm sure you'll love it.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Congratulations Sarah

I am so excited for one of my very best friends Sarah Hammond. She is engaged...YAY. I am so excited to get to know Mike better, but from the day I met him I knew that he was very special to Sarah. It's good to see her so happy. I love you Mike for making Sarah so happy and I love you forever my Sarah Hamms!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Happy Birthday to the Best Dad Ever!

This is my Dad and he is amazing. I am so grateful for a father as patient and kind as John Andrew Kearns. My dad takes such great joy in just making his children happy. He loves to surprise me and does the nicest things for me. I am so grateful for a day that celebrates my father's life. Happy Birthday Daddy! Love--- Fred!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Product Share

I love Netflix. I pay five bucks a month for two movies. I love that they have a collection to rival that of a cinematic genius. You can really find some classics and I love it.

Real Simple is my favorite magazine. My sister-in-law Ashley introduced me to this most incredible magazine. It just thrills me that there is a magazine out there that pertains directly to all of my interests. There are great decorating tips, wonderful fashion advice, fascinating ideas to keep it cheap and just a lot of fun. I wish it came out twice a month.

This is a Sephora primer (moment of silence for Sephora please...Okay!) You put this on your face in between your moisturizer and your foundation. A Primer is defined as an undercoat of paint or size applied to prepare a surface, as for painting. Well when you paint your face you need a primer and since indoctrinating it into my cosmetic repoitoir since November, I have seen how much it has helped my makeup stay on longer. I love it. I used a Smashbox brand primer which I also got at Sephora...AHHH, just kidding, but the Sephora brand works better and it isn't greasy like the Smashbox, it's creamy like moisturizer.

I have been trying to find time to read this book because I borrowed it from my friend Britney, Thanks Brit, and I need to get it back to her, but trying to find time to read other books besides school books has been exhausting. But I have read to first couple chapters and it's good. If you like Stephenie Meyers it's on her website under suggested titles. Suzanne Collins has a similar writing style as Stephenie and she is just as captivating.
Can any scent rival the scent of Gain? From fabric softener to detergent it is the very best and I challenge those who accost me on my platform.

My friend Alexis introduced me to these. They are amazing. I use them to wash my face at night and in the morning and I love them. They smell clean and fresh and they keep the acne away. Go Aveeno!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Happy Birthday Annsy Schmansy!

I love this girl. Do you have that person in your life who just gets you because they have been there for you forever? Anna Virginia Lloyd Beck is that for me. She does so much for me. It is impossible for her to forget a birthday or any special day in my life for that matter. She is constantly supportive and aware of others all around her. Anna is amazing! She is always in touch with what her friends need, she is the greatest friend a girl can have. Anns is that example they talk about in the gospel, when things seem to go wrong in her life the first thing she does is gets outside of herself. She serves others because she KNOWS how to better the lives of those she loves. I am so grateful for my Annsy and I am just excited to see what the next seven years brings to our friendship.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Zero Population is the Answer my friend!

And this is why I am a Republican. This week they finally did it. Speaker of the house Nancy Pelosi suggests birth control options as a means to release the strain on our ever-suffering economy. So the United States Government is not only going to control our finances, 401k's, and the talk radio we choose to listen to, but now we get to be told to not bear children. This makes me laugh. I tried to find a video clip of the LDS classic Satuday's Warrior scene where Mack and Mack's gang attempt to persuade Jimmy Flinders that zero population is the answer. They also ask Jimmy if his parents have ever heard of "Birth Control". Sounds like Pelosi and Mack are in cahoots or Nancy Pelosi was one pirouete away from her debut in Saturday's Warrior and severely missed her calling. Below I have included the interview between Pelosi and George Stephanopoulos if there was ever any doubt that I would make this up. The GOP needs to brace itself, I fear we are in for many more liberal antics over the next, at least, four years with such a concentrated group of DEM's running our country.

Nancy Pelosi | Birth Control Will Help Economy (1/25/2009 10:43:35 PM)
Sun Jan 25 2009 22:13:43 ET

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi boldly defended a move to add birth control funding to the new economic "stimulus" package, claiming "contraception will reduce costs to the states and to the federal government."

Pelosi, the mother of 5 children and 6 grandchildren, who once said, "Nothing in my life will ever, ever compare to being a mom," seemed to imply babies are somehow a burden on the treasury.

The revelation came during an exchange Sunday morning on ABC's THIS WEEK.

STEPHANOPOULOS: Hundreds of millions of dollars to expand family planning services. How is that stimulus?

PELOSI: Well, the family planning services reduce cost. They reduce cost. The states are in terrible fiscal budget crises now and part of what we do for children's health, education and some of those elements are to help the states meet their financial needs. One of those - one of the initiatives you mentioned, the contraception, will reduce costs to the states and to the federal government.

STEPHANOPOULOS: So no apologies for that?

PELOSI: No apologies. No. we have to deal with the consequences of the downturn in our economy.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Virus is as Virus Does

Do people really have nothing better to do than just think up how to muck up others lives? My Computer is sick right now with a very webbed virus that is going to cost 130.00$ to fix. It just absolutely mystifies me that a human being is capable of that kind of destructive behavior. There are many evil people in the world and it is not my intention to demean or lessen the pain that is sometimes forced on other people because there are definitely worse things than computer viruses. But seriously, for no other reason than just to invoke cataclysmic issues in someone's already difficult life. Mind-boggling. In any event the point of this post was to say, my computer is in the hospital (aka GEEK SQUAD) and when I get it back I will post some holiday adventures. In the meantime I hope all is well in life and if you need a venting soundboard my blog is here. Please feel free to comment about stupid, meaningless, and inhumane computer viruses.