Friday, July 10, 2009

Among things like reading the scriptures, cleaning my new apartment, and reading fashion mags...

I am LOVING this:

Mildly OBSESSED with this:

And completely HOOKED on these DVDs:

WHAT is YOUR guilty pleasure...


Becktacular Duo! said...

Oh Ams, I love your guilty pleasures. They make me smile, and remember why I need you as my best friend. But, to be totally honest, right now my guilty pleasures is definetly a TV show called "Chuck." Have you seen it? It's pretty great. You can watch the whole first season on
and some of the second season on hulu. It's silly and quirky, and definitely a guilty pleasure of mine!

Megan said...

I love me some Jillian!!! Only I've been on vaca for a month, so my DVR has some nice little gifts waiting for me when I get home!!!

Megan said...

by the way my love, you look absolutely gorgeous in like every single picture on your blog! HELLO HOT MOMMA!!! I miss you Duddits!

Jaclyn Davis Photography said...

i am secretly watching the bachelorette! and guess who else watches it with me (DANE!) :) we are rooting for ed. :)