Friday, June 12, 2009

Back to Basics

This last weekend I went to my parent's ward. I have a love/dislike (for lack of a stronger word) relationship with my parent's ward. The problem is that all of those members know me so well. I have known them since I was fourteen years old. Are you ready for an honest moment from Amy... Here goes, It's sometimes hard that on the outside I have accomplished very little in the last couple of years. I haven't graduated yet and I am single. None of that matters to me very much because I know I have learned and accomplished a lot and that is what really matters. So it's difficult to go sometimes. There is one family, The Harvey Family, that I have known my entire life and I love seeing Chrystal Harvey. She was my sister's best friend when they were younger so it's a lot of fun to see her. On Sunday as I was walking into Relief Society I was accosted by Chrystal and my little sister Courtney. Court is going to be a senior and is laurel president and Chrystal holds a calling in the Young Women organization in the ward. They both persuaded me to go with them to YW's. So I did. I needed that. It was wonderful to stand up again and recite the YW's theme. I owe my testimony of the gospel really to two things, the Young Women's organization and my parents. I looked around at the faces of those young girls and I saw hope and innocence. I also saw concern accross thier faces but it was comforted concern knowing that this day, Sunday in Young Women's, would make that concern go away. That if they could just work through it with the Lord and the Gospel they would feel better. As I sat there I felt warm tears stream down my face and went took me back. It was nice to re-group. To get "Back to Basics" in my life. My personal concerns rarely lasted longer than a week in high school because I would solve my problem on Sunday by just feeling that the lord was mindful of me and Young Women's reminded me of that everyweek. If you ever get the chance to go back to Young Women's and re-group, I suggest it. Everyone needs a revitalizationfor life and Young Women's offers that.

1 comment:

Becktacular Duo! said...

Thanks for this, Ams. Love you.