Saturday, January 31, 2009

Zero Population is the Answer my friend!

And this is why I am a Republican. This week they finally did it. Speaker of the house Nancy Pelosi suggests birth control options as a means to release the strain on our ever-suffering economy. So the United States Government is not only going to control our finances, 401k's, and the talk radio we choose to listen to, but now we get to be told to not bear children. This makes me laugh. I tried to find a video clip of the LDS classic Satuday's Warrior scene where Mack and Mack's gang attempt to persuade Jimmy Flinders that zero population is the answer. They also ask Jimmy if his parents have ever heard of "Birth Control". Sounds like Pelosi and Mack are in cahoots or Nancy Pelosi was one pirouete away from her debut in Saturday's Warrior and severely missed her calling. Below I have included the interview between Pelosi and George Stephanopoulos if there was ever any doubt that I would make this up. The GOP needs to brace itself, I fear we are in for many more liberal antics over the next, at least, four years with such a concentrated group of DEM's running our country.

Nancy Pelosi | Birth Control Will Help Economy (1/25/2009 10:43:35 PM)
Sun Jan 25 2009 22:13:43 ET

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi boldly defended a move to add birth control funding to the new economic "stimulus" package, claiming "contraception will reduce costs to the states and to the federal government."

Pelosi, the mother of 5 children and 6 grandchildren, who once said, "Nothing in my life will ever, ever compare to being a mom," seemed to imply babies are somehow a burden on the treasury.

The revelation came during an exchange Sunday morning on ABC's THIS WEEK.

STEPHANOPOULOS: Hundreds of millions of dollars to expand family planning services. How is that stimulus?

PELOSI: Well, the family planning services reduce cost. They reduce cost. The states are in terrible fiscal budget crises now and part of what we do for children's health, education and some of those elements are to help the states meet their financial needs. One of those - one of the initiatives you mentioned, the contraception, will reduce costs to the states and to the federal government.

STEPHANOPOULOS: So no apologies for that?

PELOSI: No apologies. No. we have to deal with the consequences of the downturn in our economy.


Becktacular Duo! said...

Holy Cow Ams. This is why you are my best friend. Saying that Pelosi was one pirouette away from her true calling as a member of Mack's gang is probably the best thing I've read all week. Seriously. I laughed so hard.

Ps: In the movie, I always thought it would have been really cool to be in Mack's gang, because I wanted to be one of the girls dancing on the jeep. :) Of course, that was when I was 6 and didn't know what birth control was. :)

Ams said...

It's okay Anns I forgive you.