Sunday, December 7, 2008


If you ever have the opportunity to stay at the Red Rock Casino Hotel in Summerlin, North Las Vegas, DO IT! My brother Lives in Summerlin so I never consider staying in a hotel in Las Vegas but we did because Elyse's Birthday and the Twilight Premier fell in the same week. We picked a hotel with a movie theater because we knew we wouldn't got out of the theater until about 3:00 a.m. We had a lot of fun. I went with Elyse, her sister Kjersten, our friend Taylor, our newly married friend Courtney (whom we never see since her marriage) and her sister in law. We had so much fun. I have now seen Twilight three and a half times, only because we felt vindicated walking into half of Twilight the other night after the huge disappointment that was Four Christmases. I loved Twilight you guys. I thought it was amazaing.

I really don't know how anyone who liked the book Twilight, could dislike the movie Twilight. I felt like it was precisely in tune with the story, not one character that I can think of, was compromised in the movie. And in fact I feel like Stephenie Meyer did so well with imagery and discriptive wording in her books that it almost takes a moron to not imagaine exactly what Catherine Hardwicke and her film crew depicted. I mean come on what were you expecting? From the Cullen Family to the Swan house and from the vastness of Washington State described in the book to the way Kristin Stewart's Hair was styled, no stone was left un-turned as far as film depiction vs. literary description is concerned. I am now in love with Edward cullen even more than I was when I read the books. Sure they left out a few scenes but it's a movie they had to. And by the way I can't tell you how many people have challenged me on the whole "Birthday Party" scene where Bella cuts her finger and Jasper flips out, that scene is in New moon. It was left out of the Twilight movie because it was in the first chapter of the second book.

I loved it. Thank you for Stephenie, Catherine, Kristin, and Robert. They made my dream into a living picture, and as dramatic as it sounds I am grateful for Twilight.


Emily and Bryce said...

Ams, I don't know if you will get this but I need to get in touch with Tyree. Parker sucked on my phone and now it doesn't work. If you could send me her phone number via email, or call me at 801-369-0065 and give me that info I would be so grateful! Sorry this comment has nothing to do with your post. I actually haven't seen twilight or read the books.

Becktacular Duo! said...

Ams... Again, we reach a bypass in our friendship. But I love it, because now we each have something to feel opinionated about and you and Beccs can gang up on me and call me an emu... but here is my thought. Twilight is emotional pornography for women and pre-teens alike. I will just leave you with that teaser and then we can discuss later. :) Love you.

Unknown said...

Ouch... those are strong words! I don't think there is anything wrong with a fun book that is tastefully written. I don't think it is wrong to like a fictional love story, it's certaintly not porno!

... just my thoughts....

Elyse Wilson said...

I loved twilight and i love that you came and saw it with me 2 and a half times out of the times you saw it. I love you and i love this movie and even if some one thinks its a porno i still love it. love love love twilight porno hahahaha