Monday, December 22, 2008

Buyer's Remorse or 75% of ...Of Course!

Okay so I know that I have been blogging a lot lately but I just feel like I have so much to say. Tonight after the Hills Season Finale of course, I went to run some errands around town. Christmas shopping, returned some books, returned some movies, and WHAT?
"It's the 75% off Night Owl Christmas Sale at Robert's Crafts from 9pm to 12am"

So I spent the next hour rummaging through this most amazing sale and decided I couldn't resist the Victorian Ornaments and in turn just had to give my Christmas Tree a makeover. So I pictured some of my house at Christmas, some decorations old and some new but all wonderful, seasonal, and just much fun.The New "Christmas"sign I bought!

Me thinking that Roberts is the coolest place on earth!

The Old Tree Decor

The new Decorations


Unknown said...

ohhhhhh soooo pretty!

Daubs said...

La La your tree is CUTE!!!

Elyse Wilson said...

amy the new tree is sooo much better! and this is elyse. i think i might be signed in under my sister! i cant wait to come home and see it for real!! love it and im so sad i missed that sale!

jessica& said...

Nice job on the tree. I love all the ornaments!

Karen said...

I love your purchases. After Christmas in Beaver, Julie and I went to Cedar City to Roberts and bought some stuff also. It's fun to buy for her new house. Love you Ams. Love, Karen Rose

Becktacular Duo! said...

I way love the new tree! Awesome! :)