Sunday, October 26, 2008

"We're all in this TOGETHER"

Well I saw the third and last of this juvenile film set last night. It was really good and kept me entertained the entire time. The ending was so perfect and just made me happy. I have been an HSM fan since the first one. I love them. They are really well put together films. I actually had no idea the phenomenon I was involved with a few years ago. I was home from SUU for Christmas a few years ago and I was losing weight and had been going to gym pretty regularly, oh that I had that determination back. So anyways my parents belong to this beautiful athletic club in Draper, and I always had a membership until about two years ago. So I was working out upstairs and I could hear all of this stuff going on beneath me. When I was finished working out I walked downstairs to see what was going on only to find a friend of mine who is pretty well known in the Salt Lake county performing arts scene, Jenifer Koplin. I asked her what was going on and she said that the producers of Disney were there in an attempt to cast the movie "High School Musical". I must have sat for about an hour just watching how they were working the open call that day. It was fascinating. So a year or so later, High School Musical debuts and becomes one of the most incredible phenomenons to ever hit the Disney Channel. I love this series and I don't care about the criticism I receive for loving it in my mid-20's. I sat in the movie just soaking in all of the happiness and joy that comes from singing and dancing and acting. People give HSM such a difficult time because of the "Cheese" factor which is undeniable. However as I watched I just thought over and over again of how incredibly wholesome this is and how if I had children I would only hope that they would love this musical series as much as I do. The musical "Grease" is acclaimed world wide for being so incredible and I agree. But it's interesting to me that HSM has been compared over and over to "Grease" and though I can see the comparison in a similar genre, they are not the same in the adult themed aspect. There is still good in this world to be cherished and there are still good people out there making films for our children. We just have to be willing to embrace the "Cheese"Factor. I love HSM and I hope that my future Children will as well.


DeEtt said...

We also totally loved it. We are trying hard to think of a reason NOT to see it again.

Brittney said...

Hmmm, maybe I'll have to give in and see them! I totally agree though, with Kaylee I just want to expose her to as much "good" fun as I can. Music is such a great way to teach kids and it sounds like these are perfect for them. Clearly, they are good enough for twenty-somethings!

Madi Marie said...

I have a confession Sister, I have never once watched High School Musical... just bits and pieces when I would be flipping through the channels. But after reading what you wrote, I'm going to give it a try... :)

Unknown said...

We saw it last Saturday too and T&T loved it! I think I prefer the first 2 better, but it was still fun!

Becktacular Duo! said...

Ams, while I don't share as passionate a love as you do-- (in fact, I remember the time that you and Becca practically had to tie me down to get me to watch some of it-- but that was in my emu days, so it doesn't really count...) but I DO agree with you here. I am SO grateful for wholesome things for our families. Some animated films are even getting grossy, and I'm so grateful for people who will stand up for wholesome values. Woohoo! :)