Thursday, October 23, 2008

Once Upon a Time

This clip is from the musical BKLYN (Brooklyn) which my friend Taylor introduced to me a few years ago. I really love this song and the original artist to sing it was Eden Espinosa, who is incredible, but this clip was when Diana DeGarmo sang with the Broadway cast. Her career has just been so successful since American Idol. What an amazing platform to associate yourself with, those kids are so lucky it just opens up for so many amazing opportunities. There really are few artists that can pull off this powerhouse belt in an upper range, that being said I have a new found respect for DeGarmo. Sorry that I am a nerd but listen to her BELT this out. It's SWEET!


jessica& said...

That girl can sing! And so can you! I miss our little sing alongs with Kimme. I think we need to have a friend reunion in NYC so we can go to some broadway plays. You in?

Ams said...

OMG. Can we seriously plan that . That would be so much fun!