Thursday, October 9, 2008

Between the stock market crashing, this most controversial campaign, and my computer getting fixed, I can fill you in on my super crazy-zany life

My dear friend and first roommate lost her battle with Cystic Fibrosis last week. Shannon Campbell Royer was such a light and an example of how people should be. She had a few things to do in her short 26 almost 27 years of life. Just a few of those things that I am aware of were; touching my life through our friendship, mastering how to be the best sister, daughter, aunt, cousin, niece, friend and most recently wife to her beloved husband Paul, this was so visible through all of the great relationships Shannon was able to focus on even through her painful days. My greatest and most cherished memory of Shannon happened so often. When we lived together it was so nice to talk with her, she was so wise, and as a first-year college student I needed that. However I loved to laugh with her even more. Because CF so painfully effects the lungs, we would laugh so hard sometimes that she would have to send me away with her hand because she couldn't handle it, she told me that that was code for "I love you, but go away because my lungs don't love you". I later hosted her bridal shower and we relived that memory for like three hours. Since her marriage to Paul, her life-altering lung transplant, and scary rejection based ailments, we have grown apart in communication. And I wish so badly that I could have spoken with her, but she knew I loved her and I know she loved so many. In the readings I have done about Shannon since her passing, the outpouring of love and gratitude from her family and friends has been incredible. I even read the other day on her sister's blog that through all of this, every pain and surgery and loss, Shannon has been Visiting Teaching all year, asking what she can do for her fellow RS sisters. What an example she is to me. I love you Shan! You will be greatly missed by many.
I am doing a mini-nannying gig for these cutest kids. I love BaeMae and Buster Brown and have so much fun with them.
This season of The Office is so funny. I loved the first episode about the Weight loss. I was in tears of laughter in the beginning and then tears of joy when Jim proposed, it was cute.
Say what you want...I am a huge Palin Fan. I really feel like it's time in Washington that we introduce someone who understands Women, Education, Families, The Economy, and all of the Values involved. Sure she is about 18 months behind OBAMA in campaign experience. But that's not too bad considering she is running for VICE president not Commander in chief. 18 months ago she and Obama were neck in neck as far as experience is concerned. And I never complained about Barack Obama's inexperience, until the bitter left wing brought up Palin's. It's ridiculous. I don't know about you, but I would much rather have a less seasoned Vice, who can be molded and taught, than an ,In My Opinion, over-confident, less seasoned president who is molded and taught by his Radical and in some cases rogue, activist cohorts.
(Dont' want to offend, just stating an Opinion)
JOB SECURITY ROCKS! For now at least. I work for the only Triple Rated bank in the nation. Wells Fargo has sent incredibly reassuring correspondence to all of our employees letting us know that our jobs are safe. In this rocky, economic mess, that settles my stomach and helps me sleep at night. Although Wells Fargo is hated by some because of Fees or poor service, the fees keep us in business and the poor service, well you didn't come to my branch, because WE ROCK!
I'm done, really I'm done. I really am worried about posting this because I don't want to sound like an idiot and be condescending or scare my family and friends who all love diet coke ALMOST as much as I do, but I really think I'm done. So a few weeks ago I woke up with horrible stomach pain. I thought that my suffering was due to food poisoning but after it didn't go away I went to the doctor. She said absolutely nothing about Diet Coke or soda in general. After some testing she did say that I had a pretty severe KIDNEY infection. So I went to water and cranberry juice just until I felt better. Then I went back to the Diet Coke. After a few days of feeling relatively well the weird stomach ache returned. Just to test myself and the beloved DC, I went off of it for three days. My Results: the stomach aches went away. I drank 32 oz on my way home from Salt Lake on the 3rd day and woke up the next morning with that weird, painful, muscle spasm of a stomach ache. I never buy into the "CARMEX CAUSES CANCER" scares because I just don't believe them and whenever someone tells me about Artificial Sweeteners, in one ear and out the other. I am rarely affected by those things until I see them in my own life, just ask about my unbelievable intolerance for LATEX . The night of the last Tummy ache my genius, registered nurse roommate, and fellow DIET COKE Lover brought home an article which basically says that the one correlation for Multiple Sclerosis patients is their love for Diet Drinks. And a common symptom to be tested for MS, that weird muscle spasm stomach ache. Every patient in the article complained about it. Believe it or not, and trust me the jury is still out for me as well, I just need a serious reason to cut back. So stay tuned while I battle my DIET COKE addiction head on. Keep me Strong family and friends, I love you all.


Chelsea said...

i too have a severe addiction to a diet soft drink. My weapon of choice is Diet Dr Pepper!! Thanks for the wakeup call

Laura said...

Good job on quitting soda -- I am addicted to Root Beer. Not diet, just regular. SO BAD! It has SO much sugar! Maybe I'll give it up too... Sorry about your friend. It's hard to lose someone like that. Oh - and totally agree with you about Palin!

Brittney said...

Oh my gosh, Amy, I love you! There is just too much to comment on but I too am glad to work for WF, hate diet coke, so don't have to worry about that, was really touched by your tribute to your friend and am kind of a Palin fan myself. Nice blogging.

Madi Marie said...

Battle on sis battle on... ;)

Emily and Bryce said...

Amy, I think that is awesome that you are going to try to give up diet coke. I know how hard it can be. We were diet coke drinking buddies. If anything it will help you feel better. Let me know about your progress!