Monday, October 13, 2008

Happy Birthday Besty Chiggins!

Becca's Senior Prom

Broadway Kids "Wanna Dance with sombody" 2002

Annsy's Wedding 2008

Beccs, Ams, Sarah Christmas 2007

Sephora Las Vegas 2008

Happy Birthday Rebecca Ann Clark! 21 years ago today Beccs was born. I was 3 years old having no idea that she would impact my life so much. She would become my best friend and my pseudo-sister when times got tough or the joy in my life was so immense that I had to share it with someone. She would be there to be excited for me when I thought that I had found love in high school (with a really geeky guy) and she would be there to pick up the pieces when I got my heart broken after it ended. She was there when I lost one of the dearest people in my life and she was there to cheer me on for every single time I have performed in front of an audience, in some cases coming multiple times just so I knew that I was loved. She has seen me through every ailment, every heartbreak, every joy, and every change of location for the past, almost nine years.
Becca and I met in April of the year 2000. She was actually friends with my little brother Jake. Jake respected her so much and they became pretty good friends. Through their friendship I was able to meet her and we became friends instantly. When I was younger, living in Oklahoma, it was difficult to find good friends my age. So I seemed to attract myself to the older kids in my ward and befriend them because it was easier to stay uplifted. When Becca came along she kind of felt similarly. Some of my best friends growing up were a lot older than I was and they were just easier to get along with and in most cases easier to relate to. Becca, being far beyond her age in so many ways, was just as easy to relate to and talk with.
Something that I have always loved about us is what we (Anna, Becca, and Myself) have always called our "Telekinesis". Sounds really weird and we totally use it out of context but in our world it basically means two people who think the same thing at the same time. Beccs and I have been doing this for almost nine years. I live in Cedar city and she lives in Salt Lake. We will go out to buy shoes 200 miles away from one another and come back with the same shoes, it's hilarious and it happens with a ton of things all the time. We'll see a new makeup product on America's Next Top Model or a commercial, go out and buy it, and when we are both in the same town we'll pull it out and start using it without ever previously discussing it. Living in Cedar City I have found that it is just Materialistically challenged and retail deprived. It's so wonderful to get out of Cedar for a weekend, have my BFF pick me up at the Airport, head on over to the DODO ( we love you Sarah) and then lose myself and my problems in a little retail therapy with someone who enjoys that stuff as much as I do. It's nice to have someone who appreciates the Celeb stalker in me and endlessly can discuss the ins and outs of the lives of Bennifer, Brangelina, and Tomkat, without thinking that I am a fool. I love the people in my life who appreciate my eccentricities and advocate me instead my criticize me. Beccs I love you, I don't know where I would be or what I would do without you. "I KNOW my life has been changed for the better and because I knew you it has been changed for good!" Happy Birthday Besty.


Unknown said...

Love that Becca Girl! Happy B-day baby!

Madi Marie said...

You and beccs are so cute! I'm glad that you guys became friends nine years ago so I could meet her and add her to my great list of friends as well! :) I miss you sisters.

Becktacular Duo! said...

Pretty sure that everybody needs a revival.

I love you guys like mad. Wish I had been there to celebrate the big 21.

But, I am blessed enough to have friends like you, and we can always pick up right where we left off. :)