Thursday, September 11, 2008

Ten things I've learned about the Hills this season

1. More people, surprisingly enough, than I thought are methodical "Hills Fans"
2. I am never one to judge about any sort of plastic surgery, in fact if it's desired, go for it, I am totally a supporter within reason! However Heidi Montag's use of facial cosmetics is a bit abusive.
" Come on Heidi, one ridiculously directed music video on the beach by your sleazy agent/boyfriend doesn't warrant a new overdone look resembling that of an adult film actress, if you know what I mean."
3. Lauren Conrad is such a trend setter. The "LC" braid has literally consumed the nation. If you don't find yourself doing the little french braid in the front of your forehead and then straitening the rest of your hair just wait. It also counts if you are utilizing this style on your child, because I think it is so cute when my niece Bailey Mae wears her hair in this particular fashion. And once more, don't worry about me searching for an entire night in Cedar City to find some deep purple, almost black nail polish to use on my manicure.
4. Brody Jenner and LC just need to get it together, you know they are fighting it.
5. Whitney Port is beautiful, why does she sometimes insist on dressing like a hobo and minimizing her steps to getting ready. I just think she is usually so sheik and she has disappointed this season.
6. I'm glad that Lo and Lauren are back together, as I loved watching them on Laguna Beach, albeit the producers or creators have just made Lo into such a monster. She was my FAVE on Laguna, I loved her.
7. While our thoughts are focused on Lo, Do you remember last season when Frankie and Lo totally kissed in Vegas? I want them together, I think they would really be cute and they both need someone now that Lo has called it quits with UCLA BF Christian.
8. I seriously don't understand the obsession with Justin Bobby, seriously Audrina what advantage could JB possible bring to the relationship table besides alcohol and greasy hair.
9. How much eye makeup do you have to apply to produce black tears...that has never happened to me. And I cry at church all of the time even with eyeliner and mascara applied.
10. I love this show. From what I have read concerning the show and it's inner workings, my understanding is that nothing is fake. The conversations are real and the emotions are always sincere, the setting is sometimes contrived and the conversations manipulated at times, but you can't possibly be so naive to think that every show that self categorizes as "Reality" television isn't doing the same thing. I will stand by the hills forever. It's entertainment, I get the greatest ideas, and as far as TV shows, targeted for my demographic, are concerned, it really is one of the cleanest. I am rarely offended by the content unless of course Spencer Pratt is on the screen, I am offended by his very presence...down with Speidi!

Thank you for your indulgence in my somewhat oxymoronic but positive none the less, tirade. I know I'm a freak!

Bonus: Stay tuned for my thoughts on Stephanie Pratt, the jury is still out on her. Over-zealous, fame-seeker or levelheaded, loyal friend of Lauren... We shall see!


Ashley K. said...

You make me laugh so hard. I haven't watched this season at all. I am so over Heidi that I want to vomit in my mouth. Is it really worth startgin up again?

Siggy said...

Oh my gosh!!!! I freakin' love the Hills! Your post was fabulous! I too do the LC braid but shoot...when you are growing out your bangs it's definitely more chic than a dang bobby pin!