Sunday, August 17, 2008

My Best Friend is FAMOUS!!!

As most of you know I have a best friend. But I really always giggle when people say the word best friend because I can't possibly imagine if they have the same friendship that Becca and I do. Best friends for almost nine years now, teaches you a lot about a person and we know each other really well. She is my greatest companion, she always feels more like a sister than a friend. Let me just brag for a moment though. As a freshmen she was accepted not only to the music program at the University of Utah, but also as a member of the U's Elite choir. Becca has established many leading roles for herself in local Salt Lake Theaters and she has even done some recording work. She is amazing. Well a few weeks ago she had the opportunity to go and audition for American Idol. She went to the auditions with her two friends Will, on the left of her and Dayna to right of Seacrest. Well they were sitting down and Ryan Seacrest walked into the arena doing all of the promotional shots that are done for AI. So as the story goes he was down a few rows from them and then went to ask the producers where he should go next. The producer's motioned for him to just pick somewhere so he walked right up to Becca's row and started to talk to them. I joke with her a lot and say that Ryan just saw a cute girl and went for it. I just wondered why she didn't ask him for his number. I Love this girl and although she is not going to be this season's American Idol, she will always be the one that I look up to and the friend that my family knows and loves. We love you Beccs.


Unknown said...

Hi Amy! This is Teresa (Law). Thought I'd say hi and keep in touch!

trudy...{and jamo} said...

Amy!!! Hey girl! I have been thinking about you a ton & I am SO happy I found your blog! You are so amazing & I just LOVE LOVE LOVE you!!!

jessica& said...

Hi Amy,

Cute blog. I am with Andy and he told me to tell you he loves you and your mom is an awesome swim teacher. Hope you are doing well!