Monday, February 18, 2008

Twilight's Complete Cast (or so they say)

***Nerd Alert: I just wanted to produce a general disclaimer before reading this post that I am in fact a twilight nerd and I get a little over-dramatic about it!***

This Just In. Twilight the movie is a go. My roommate showed me this website tonight and this is where I got my information ( I am not positive, mainly because this has yet to be published on, but if this is right , I am excited. Ava from Grey's as Esme Cullen...that's an amazing choice. So here you go girls and you too few boys out there who like Twilight, it really is happening. Come December of this year or early next year, as some sources report, our Edward Cullen will be real in our hearts and our eyes.


Aimee said...

Hey! So I got your link from facebook ;)
Love twilight, and am excited for the movie!!! :)

Unknown said...

He is not Edward...she is definitely Bella, Esme is a solid choice...who is Jacob?

Ashley K. said...

I agree Jules!!! My Edward is much more good looking.