Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Birthdays, Friends, and Fun!

Amy, Julie, Deet

Elyse and Amy

Today was my 24th Birthday. I had a really hard time anticipating this day but now it has come and gone and I am still here with my head held high. My friends took me out to dinner and we just basically laughed for a few hours, it was great.

Timeline of my "Celebration of Life Day" (as Sarah and Becca so affectionately wrote on my beautiful birthday flowers that they sent me because I told them we were not celebrating my birthday this year)

February 26th 2008
12:00 am - Elyse and I working vigorously on submitting my loads of homework which was a few minutes late
1:00 am - Elyse and I on a redbox run-she had Diet coke with Lime in martini glasses when we got home and my car was decorated as well as my messy bedroom...I just love her!
2:00 pm- Started a movie and both passed out with our mattresses in the living room.
12:00 pm- Elyse and I wake from our slumber
12:30 pm- we hit up the local Denny's for some grub
1:00 pm- We returned home for the Hugh Jackman flick "The Fountain" (weird movie)
-got ready and Elyse went to work
4:10 pm- "Fool's Gold" at the movie theater with me and my two favorite movie dates, some buttery popcorn and a 32 oz diet coke that I strategically hid from the movie theater staff, it's not my fault that all of the movie theaters in Southern Utah insist upon a Pepsi endorsement, do they know that I live here?
6:00 pm- returned home to get ready for dinner with friends
8:00 pm- Dinner at Chili's (the nicest restaraunt in Cedar, and it's like brand new)
10:30 pm- Hollywood Video where I got two free movies for my birthday. One scary vampire flick and Jessica Simpson's main character debut "Blonde Ambition" hey I love her and it was MY birthday
And then it was over. I have to mention Elyse in my blog and dedicate this to her. She really made the whole day special, thanks again Elyse and a big shout out to my friends and family for your calls and flowers in some cases, it meant the world to me that you care...I love You all XOXOXOXOXOXO


Unknown said...

Such fun! Wish I could've been with you. Your gift is on its way...birthday greetings from Stars Hollow! Love ya!

Megan said...

Oh, Amy! I love you! I am so sad I didn't get to see you while I was in Utah! I'm glad you had a good birthday. Reading your post made me long for the days of living room, mattress parties. Oh how I miss you!!!!

The Summerhays Crew said...

HaPPy BiRthDay!! We miss you in Vegas...come back! I hope your b-day was great :)

Elyse Wilson said...

yes....im so good at celebrating unwanted birthdays.... you keep me sane in cedar....