Friday, January 7, 2011

New year, new thoughts...

The January blues or "doldrums" as my mother has put it, have become that incessant thought that I find inescapable this season. Although I have yet to find the exact source of all my woes every January one I find myself disappointed that it has come. Though my attempts to embrace this seasonal transition have been feeble at best, I had the best of intentions this year...I think?
I imagine that every year I just become overwhelmed with the ubiquitous New Year's spirit that seems to be welcomed as fast as the Christmas spirit is dismissed at exactly noon on December 25th! Being one that hates change I feel like I stumbled upon something this year. It's two fold actually and the first part involves stopping the immense pressure I put on "resolutions" for myself and instead just celebrating the things I learned and loved in the previous year. With this attitude I feel more like I can take those things with me through the next year. It feels less like "change" and more like an addition of months to an already incredible chapter of my life. So I will in this post list my favorite things of 2010 and the things I look forward to in 2011. Please bear with me as some will be more or less superficial than others.

Things I Love 2010:
...Peach Coke- Sonic, ask them to put a little peach syrup in your Coke next time.
...Graduating from college feels awesome!
...Eclipse- the movie was all I expected and more from I am pretty sure The Twilight Saga's biggest fan.
...Thanksgiving in Texas
...conquering that Haunted Forest!
...reuniting with my "shisters"
...large and small tribulations- because the large ones make you grateful for the small ones.
...moving back to the only "hometown"I could ever claim.
...working for the greatest bank in Utah!
...lessons in love I learned.
...the birth of my newest nephew Oliver Grey Kearns (was there ever a cuter little baby, I submit that there was not. Oh wait except for the other five nieces and nephews I have)
...Sun Valley with a few of my sisters.
...Park City family reunions
...being in close proximity to my sister Julie the entire time she was here
...Cedar City and all of my friends there!
...Hunger Games, Catching Fire

Things I look forward to 2011:
...getting healthier
...being more confident and all that comes with that.
...strengthening my relationship with and my faith in Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.
...England, Ireland
...Cousin reunion
...Kearns sister's weekend 2011
...getting organized. apartment
...more consistent temple attendance
...buying a dog
...Christmas with all my sibs (hopefully)
...transforming from ruins opportunities at work

Happy New Year folks!


Becktacular Duo! said...

Happy new year, Ams! I loved your post and your new blog layout. I also know why you're in the doldrums- its because I'm gone! :) But seriously, I love you, and it sounds like you have a lot of great things to look forward to. Let me know what you think of Mockingjay, I can't wait to hear your opinion!

Brittney said...

Oh Amy, I just love you! I know what you mean about the immediate dismissal of Christmas. I have to admit, I was a little glad to get over the craziness and get back to reality for a while. I always enjoy your random phone calls and e-mails! Stop by if you ever make it down this way!

Courtney Kearns said...

Love the new blog sis! Can't wait to share 2011 with you.. PLEASE keep blogging!

Ashley K said...

I agree with Como! Keep blogging. We love to hear about your life and all the fun things you do. You're such a great writer. This was such a good post. We all can learn something from it. You have a healthy outlook on new years resolutions. Great goals. Thanks for sharing :)

Ashley K. said...

SHE IS BACK! I love the new look too btw...

I loved your perspective in learning and growing from the previous year.

p.s. You better keep this up, it totally made my night.
