Saturday, January 22, 2011

Guilty Pleasure...

So I realize that this is maybe an inopportune time to post this as I just recently posted about New Year's goals and aspirations, but I am obsessed with Tillamook Dairy products at the moment. My sisters and I discovered that we have a Winco about 15 to 20 minutes away from my parents house. I typically don't like cheese and crackers but my sister in law, Ashley Heather, introduced me to Tilammook Dairy products a few years ago. It's the only cheese I like to eat now and when we were at Winco on New Years eve we found that Tilammook is a main distributor for Winco. They have the milk, the cheese, the sour cream and the yogurt. Oh the yogurt! The Lemon Squeeze yogurt is an inspired little cup of goodness and the only way I can get through my morning these days. If you get the chance to go to the very inexpensive Winco or another supermarket that carries Tillamook products, make sure you get the yogurt and ice cream. The Peanut Butter Chocolate is amazing, but they also had one called Cinnamon Banana Bliss that I cannot wait to try. Thank goodness for Tillamook County Cows Y'all!


Sarah Branca said...

I feel as if you should take me on an initiatory trip to Winco.

Becktacular Duo! said...

Hmm... If it is as good as you say, I'll have to try some.

Ashley K said...

Yum! I've never tried that brand but we do shop at Winco so we'll have to try it out next grocery trip. :)