Wednesday, July 29, 2009

" Our forefathers never promised happiness, only the pursuit of it."

I have been reading a lot of the ins and outs of Obama's Health care Reform and I have to say that I am a bit confused. It seems like all he is saying is that it will be affordable. Affordable to who? I pay roughly one hundred dollars per month to keep myself insured and cared for. It's not a check I write out, it comes from my salary. Would I love to pocket that money and buy something else or save for a fun trip? Sure I would. Is it a reality? No it's not. I am taken care of by doctors and dentists because I found myself a job which includes a health care program. Now I am a 25 year old female and I realize I have only had that much time to learn about politics, life, and health care, but I beat a lot of people out with my experience of government-run health care because I did that for quite a few of my hospital visits as a little girl. Ask my family and my isn't fun. I realize that there may be glitches in health care, I have medications I PAY for and take every day and sometimes I get frustrated with my insurance company too. But I pay for the security of knowing that if I need to see a doctor or go to the ER, I can do that because I go to work and I work hard every day of my life for those benefits. Doesn't it seem like there is an easier solution to this ever so dramatic and difficult health care problem? Instead of being insurance-less because you're job-less...GO GET A JOB with a benefits structure. Insurance companies are more than willing to take you on as a customer and guess what? If you have a group program through your employer, OMG you get a discount, imagine that. I think the problem is that there are some Americans that want everything for free. Free of money and free of effort. I read something that inspired my blog title and it said that "Our Forefathers never promised happiness, only the pursuit of it." Being an American only entitles you to what you have worked for, the effort you put forth. I wish more people understood that. Put on your uniform whatever it may be, talk to your employer about benefits, and go to work people. We do it everyday.


Becktacular Duo! said...

Oh, Ams. I agree with a lot of what you said. However, being an American who does not have health insurance-- it's harder than you may think to just "get a job" that has benefits. I do NOT think that single payer (the govt) health care is the best answer. However, I do know that part of what Christ taught was that we need to do all we can to take care of the sick and afflicted, not let them suffer until they can just "get a job". We are our brothers' and sisters' keepers. So, the answer lies somewhere in the middle. While we pursue happiness, it is important to remember that true happiness can only come once we have consecrated all we have to be in the service of our Lord, and through that, serve other people.

I don't like the Republican or Democratic plan right now. I'm actually a fan of Ron Paul. Check out his health care views, they're pretty interesting.

Oh, and Ams-- you're my besty, don't forget it. :)

The Vreelands said...

I agree with you. Mike served his mission in England and knew people who had cancer that died on a waiting list. I don't think socialized medicine is the answer, although I do believe our system does need a little bit of tweaking.

Ams said...

Anns I love you very much but I want you to know that I was with out benefits for quite a while, probably around the same time you were on your parents insurance. I worked at that job, paid out of pocket for health care insurance-less until I finally found a job with benefits. I have mountains of experience and none of that part of my life was with the help of anyone else. Not a husband, a mother or father, a friend, a brother, or a sister. If you pay a full tithe, then you are following in Christ's footsteps and attending to the "sick and afflicted". Most of the insurance-less Americans complaining (who by the way are less sick and afflicted than I am) are the ones who want you and I to pay their health care with our salaries because they would rather do other things with their money or the lack there of. Love you!

Becktacular Duo! said...

Oh, Ams, I love you too. :) And we'll have to just discuss this in person, because I miss you! And I don't want you to misunderstand me. And I really appreciate the way you voice your thoughts and opinions. You are the best. Call me sometime, eh?

Elyse Wilson said...