Sunday, October 26, 2008

"We're all in this TOGETHER"

Well I saw the third and last of this juvenile film set last night. It was really good and kept me entertained the entire time. The ending was so perfect and just made me happy. I have been an HSM fan since the first one. I love them. They are really well put together films. I actually had no idea the phenomenon I was involved with a few years ago. I was home from SUU for Christmas a few years ago and I was losing weight and had been going to gym pretty regularly, oh that I had that determination back. So anyways my parents belong to this beautiful athletic club in Draper, and I always had a membership until about two years ago. So I was working out upstairs and I could hear all of this stuff going on beneath me. When I was finished working out I walked downstairs to see what was going on only to find a friend of mine who is pretty well known in the Salt Lake county performing arts scene, Jenifer Koplin. I asked her what was going on and she said that the producers of Disney were there in an attempt to cast the movie "High School Musical". I must have sat for about an hour just watching how they were working the open call that day. It was fascinating. So a year or so later, High School Musical debuts and becomes one of the most incredible phenomenons to ever hit the Disney Channel. I love this series and I don't care about the criticism I receive for loving it in my mid-20's. I sat in the movie just soaking in all of the happiness and joy that comes from singing and dancing and acting. People give HSM such a difficult time because of the "Cheese" factor which is undeniable. However as I watched I just thought over and over again of how incredibly wholesome this is and how if I had children I would only hope that they would love this musical series as much as I do. The musical "Grease" is acclaimed world wide for being so incredible and I agree. But it's interesting to me that HSM has been compared over and over to "Grease" and though I can see the comparison in a similar genre, they are not the same in the adult themed aspect. There is still good in this world to be cherished and there are still good people out there making films for our children. We just have to be willing to embrace the "Cheese"Factor. I love HSM and I hope that my future Children will as well.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Once Upon a Time

This clip is from the musical BKLYN (Brooklyn) which my friend Taylor introduced to me a few years ago. I really love this song and the original artist to sing it was Eden Espinosa, who is incredible, but this clip was when Diana DeGarmo sang with the Broadway cast. Her career has just been so successful since American Idol. What an amazing platform to associate yourself with, those kids are so lucky it just opens up for so many amazing opportunities. There really are few artists that can pull off this powerhouse belt in an upper range, that being said I have a new found respect for DeGarmo. Sorry that I am a nerd but listen to her BELT this out. It's SWEET!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Product Share

One of my favorite things about having friends and being a girl is trying new things and sharing what you like. So for today's post I thought it would only be appropriate to share some of the things I have tried and absolutely love.

This is the Maybeline Colossal Volume mascara and it is wonderful. It cleans right off, it goes on smooth and gives you incredible volume. I must attribute this most convenient find to my BFF, Thanks Beccs. Although I usually don't stray from my "Grocery Store" makeup pick, Cover Girl, I must say, if you stray, go towards Maybeline. It is the only acceptable alternative IMO.

This is the Privo shoe. I was first introduced to these, 130$ Retail, fashionably forward, and heavenly comfortable shoe line last year when my sister and I went shoe shopping for Paris. Although Julie never got to wear them in Paris because of an unfortunate baggage claim debacle, she has just raved about them since she got home and finally got her most beloved footwear back. They are so comfortable and I scored at Marshals on super sale for 20$.

Love this Plum mint lip gloss. Shiny gloss, natural lip color, and lip moisturizer all in one. I am really into natural colored lips these days. This gloss pick is the perfect color to achieve this new fetish of mine.
***Make up tip from Me: You always get neutral colored lips automatically after applying your face makeup. To revive your lips and pull out those natural red pigments, take a baby wipe or a moist toilette wipe and rub the makeup off your lips before applying lip gloss or lip stick. It doesn't matter what color you are applying, lipstick always looks better on natural color.

This is amazing foundation. I am one sold client of cover girl. They are always coming out with the most fresh, convenient, and beautiful products in makeup. I absolutely love how this literally matches to my skin tone creating a soft and evenly distributed palette to apply the rest of my makeup.

Please forgive my obvious idiosyncrasies. I am somewhat apt to attract myself to pretty bottles and "moth to a flame-like" marketing hence stumbling on all that is Smart Water. Then I started doing some research and learned that this seemingly simple bottle of water is actually enhanced with electrolytes. Which is really cool as I detest Gatorade and Powerade, or any energy drink for that matter. With all of the toxins that go in and out of our bodies each day. We all know that some drinks which claim to refresh you are actually natural diuretics for your system, I think it's cool that we have tasteless water enhanced with electrolytes to restore the levels in our bodies and help us not become dehydrated.

I think I have a somewhat unorthodox process for a morning routine. I have a facial mirror, my makeup, my hair products and all cosmetic necessities available a my fingertips on my bed. Doing all of this on my bed makes it difficult if I get makeup on my hands, to touch anything else. So I use these fresh towelettes to stay on top of messy makeup hands. They work wonders.

These are so good. They are filling, refreshing, and so much fun. The Strawberries Wild is my favorite. Try one please, you'll love it. Albertson's has them.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Happy Birthday Besty Chiggins!

Becca's Senior Prom

Broadway Kids "Wanna Dance with sombody" 2002

Annsy's Wedding 2008

Beccs, Ams, Sarah Christmas 2007

Sephora Las Vegas 2008

Happy Birthday Rebecca Ann Clark! 21 years ago today Beccs was born. I was 3 years old having no idea that she would impact my life so much. She would become my best friend and my pseudo-sister when times got tough or the joy in my life was so immense that I had to share it with someone. She would be there to be excited for me when I thought that I had found love in high school (with a really geeky guy) and she would be there to pick up the pieces when I got my heart broken after it ended. She was there when I lost one of the dearest people in my life and she was there to cheer me on for every single time I have performed in front of an audience, in some cases coming multiple times just so I knew that I was loved. She has seen me through every ailment, every heartbreak, every joy, and every change of location for the past, almost nine years.
Becca and I met in April of the year 2000. She was actually friends with my little brother Jake. Jake respected her so much and they became pretty good friends. Through their friendship I was able to meet her and we became friends instantly. When I was younger, living in Oklahoma, it was difficult to find good friends my age. So I seemed to attract myself to the older kids in my ward and befriend them because it was easier to stay uplifted. When Becca came along she kind of felt similarly. Some of my best friends growing up were a lot older than I was and they were just easier to get along with and in most cases easier to relate to. Becca, being far beyond her age in so many ways, was just as easy to relate to and talk with.
Something that I have always loved about us is what we (Anna, Becca, and Myself) have always called our "Telekinesis". Sounds really weird and we totally use it out of context but in our world it basically means two people who think the same thing at the same time. Beccs and I have been doing this for almost nine years. I live in Cedar city and she lives in Salt Lake. We will go out to buy shoes 200 miles away from one another and come back with the same shoes, it's hilarious and it happens with a ton of things all the time. We'll see a new makeup product on America's Next Top Model or a commercial, go out and buy it, and when we are both in the same town we'll pull it out and start using it without ever previously discussing it. Living in Cedar City I have found that it is just Materialistically challenged and retail deprived. It's so wonderful to get out of Cedar for a weekend, have my BFF pick me up at the Airport, head on over to the DODO ( we love you Sarah) and then lose myself and my problems in a little retail therapy with someone who enjoys that stuff as much as I do. It's nice to have someone who appreciates the Celeb stalker in me and endlessly can discuss the ins and outs of the lives of Bennifer, Brangelina, and Tomkat, without thinking that I am a fool. I love the people in my life who appreciate my eccentricities and advocate me instead my criticize me. Beccs I love you, I don't know where I would be or what I would do without you. "I KNOW my life has been changed for the better and because I knew you it has been changed for good!" Happy Birthday Besty.

Friday, October 10, 2008

BBQ Pizza anyone?

I made this tonight. All I know is that while I am in Vegas for these few days, I am making as many advantageous trips to Trader Joe's as I can. I love this store. Tonight I spent like a half an hour just roaming through the isles, looking at all of the fresh and unique produce, and items for sale. I went in to TJ's for a purpose. For the short time I lived in Vegas my sister-in-law introduced me to TJ's ready-to-go pizza crust. If you live in an area with an accessible Trader Joe's please stop in and grab a whole wheat pizza dough or one of the few other flavors available. This is just chicken marinated with brown mustard, liquid smoke, olive oil, red pepper flakes, salt, pepper, and garlic. A whole wheat pizza crust, Sweet Baby Ray's barbecue sauce, red onion, and mozzarella cheese. Assemble the items on a pizza stone or pan and cook for 15 minutes, middle rack of a 450 degree oven. If you are feeding Bailey Mae Kearns, make sure you have plenty of ranch dip for her to lather on to it.

side note: Today JD, Bailey, and I went to Macdo (McDonald's) and I found her accidentally, or so I thought, using her ranch for her apple dippers. Disgusted, I asked her why she chose the ranch when she had the caramel, she replied, "Mames it's good" and then kept on using the ranch for her dipping apples. She is the funniest little girl.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Between the stock market crashing, this most controversial campaign, and my computer getting fixed, I can fill you in on my super crazy-zany life

My dear friend and first roommate lost her battle with Cystic Fibrosis last week. Shannon Campbell Royer was such a light and an example of how people should be. She had a few things to do in her short 26 almost 27 years of life. Just a few of those things that I am aware of were; touching my life through our friendship, mastering how to be the best sister, daughter, aunt, cousin, niece, friend and most recently wife to her beloved husband Paul, this was so visible through all of the great relationships Shannon was able to focus on even through her painful days. My greatest and most cherished memory of Shannon happened so often. When we lived together it was so nice to talk with her, she was so wise, and as a first-year college student I needed that. However I loved to laugh with her even more. Because CF so painfully effects the lungs, we would laugh so hard sometimes that she would have to send me away with her hand because she couldn't handle it, she told me that that was code for "I love you, but go away because my lungs don't love you". I later hosted her bridal shower and we relived that memory for like three hours. Since her marriage to Paul, her life-altering lung transplant, and scary rejection based ailments, we have grown apart in communication. And I wish so badly that I could have spoken with her, but she knew I loved her and I know she loved so many. In the readings I have done about Shannon since her passing, the outpouring of love and gratitude from her family and friends has been incredible. I even read the other day on her sister's blog that through all of this, every pain and surgery and loss, Shannon has been Visiting Teaching all year, asking what she can do for her fellow RS sisters. What an example she is to me. I love you Shan! You will be greatly missed by many.
I am doing a mini-nannying gig for these cutest kids. I love BaeMae and Buster Brown and have so much fun with them.
This season of The Office is so funny. I loved the first episode about the Weight loss. I was in tears of laughter in the beginning and then tears of joy when Jim proposed, it was cute.
Say what you want...I am a huge Palin Fan. I really feel like it's time in Washington that we introduce someone who understands Women, Education, Families, The Economy, and all of the Values involved. Sure she is about 18 months behind OBAMA in campaign experience. But that's not too bad considering she is running for VICE president not Commander in chief. 18 months ago she and Obama were neck in neck as far as experience is concerned. And I never complained about Barack Obama's inexperience, until the bitter left wing brought up Palin's. It's ridiculous. I don't know about you, but I would much rather have a less seasoned Vice, who can be molded and taught, than an ,In My Opinion, over-confident, less seasoned president who is molded and taught by his Radical and in some cases rogue, activist cohorts.
(Dont' want to offend, just stating an Opinion)
JOB SECURITY ROCKS! For now at least. I work for the only Triple Rated bank in the nation. Wells Fargo has sent incredibly reassuring correspondence to all of our employees letting us know that our jobs are safe. In this rocky, economic mess, that settles my stomach and helps me sleep at night. Although Wells Fargo is hated by some because of Fees or poor service, the fees keep us in business and the poor service, well you didn't come to my branch, because WE ROCK!
I'm done, really I'm done. I really am worried about posting this because I don't want to sound like an idiot and be condescending or scare my family and friends who all love diet coke ALMOST as much as I do, but I really think I'm done. So a few weeks ago I woke up with horrible stomach pain. I thought that my suffering was due to food poisoning but after it didn't go away I went to the doctor. She said absolutely nothing about Diet Coke or soda in general. After some testing she did say that I had a pretty severe KIDNEY infection. So I went to water and cranberry juice just until I felt better. Then I went back to the Diet Coke. After a few days of feeling relatively well the weird stomach ache returned. Just to test myself and the beloved DC, I went off of it for three days. My Results: the stomach aches went away. I drank 32 oz on my way home from Salt Lake on the 3rd day and woke up the next morning with that weird, painful, muscle spasm of a stomach ache. I never buy into the "CARMEX CAUSES CANCER" scares because I just don't believe them and whenever someone tells me about Artificial Sweeteners, in one ear and out the other. I am rarely affected by those things until I see them in my own life, just ask about my unbelievable intolerance for LATEX . The night of the last Tummy ache my genius, registered nurse roommate, and fellow DIET COKE Lover brought home an article which basically says that the one correlation for Multiple Sclerosis patients is their love for Diet Drinks. And a common symptom to be tested for MS, that weird muscle spasm stomach ache. Every patient in the article complained about it. Believe it or not, and trust me the jury is still out for me as well, I just need a serious reason to cut back. So stay tuned while I battle my DIET COKE addiction head on. Keep me Strong family and friends, I love you all.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

This is what I have been watching on YouTube this week.

I loved Courtney on So you think you can dance. She was amazing. This Dance is so incredible. I only wish I could move like this. Sorry computer was being fixed for the last two weeks, So I have a lot to catch up on. For now "Fall in love with a DJ"!!!

So You Think You Can Dance: Courtney and Will Summer 2008

Friday, October 3, 2008

Taylor's Wedding

Well four of my good friends were married this year so far and this is the fourth. Taylor was married on September 19th 2008. Her wedding was something right out of a fairy tale. Just the way Taylor wanted it. It was so beautiful. If you want to see a clip of her amazing video see the post below. Congrats Tay I love you and I am so pleased that we have stayed close since high school.

Ever Ever After

Taylor & Drew's SDE from Davey Orgill on Vimeo.