Tuesday, March 4, 2008

I'm never going to Graduate

I went to a Family and Consumer Sciences Education Graduation planning meeting today...I have so much to do. I don't know why I bother even breathing on a regular basis, it's really interfering with my spare time. There is just so much. And I have to take Chemistry, ten credit hours of chemistry. And I have no time to do it. Between the pre-requisites, which for the most part I have under my belt, and the fact that they only offer certain classes at certain times and during certain semesters, I have a lot to worry about and plan for. My mentor and wonderful professor Kathy, gave me a list at the meeting which had all the classes I will need to graduate. I have like ten of thirty classes done. There is too much to do. I am going to be like a super super senior. Why do we need so much schooling? I swear they make it so difficult. I realize that I am just slow, I changed majors twice, and I took two years off, but seriously I think it's only getting harder. I don't understand how people graduate in four years. At least I know what I have to do now, it's nice to see an end in sight...wait is that an end in sight? Nope it's just the ever recycling, never ending horizon of my school career. It's a conspiracy for universities to make money you know! The longer your'e here, the more you pay.


The Summerhays Crew said...

Hey kudos to you for gettin her done! It only gets harder when your married and have kids to go back to school! I will be like 40 when I finally finish :)

Ashley K. said...

Ditto~ I am a drop out...

Unknown said...

AHHHHHH....you have discovered the conspiracy secret of higher education. They should hand you your diploma now! Hang in there kiddo! It will all be worth it!