Thursday, December 17, 2009

Generational Nitwits

I am in dyer necessity of simple and practical clarification. We are all aware that I am in banking? Correct? Good now that that's settled. Please tell me what is so absolutely painful and earth shattering about filling out one's deposit slip? As a banking rep. I hate filling out customer deposit slips. For a myriad of reasons. I hate it because I am usually trying to do ten other things for the same customer at the same time. I hate it because it isn't my job and the number one reason I hate it is that the customers won't help themselves, they would not think twice if I did it for them, but yet would not think twice about pinning me and trying to get me fired if I filled it out incorrectly. (Dramatic I know, but it has happened) The customer is either too lazy or incompetent (jury is still out on this one) to fill out there own deposit slips, they are incapable of reading the directions on the slip itself. And then when I offer to explain how to do it they huff and puff and blow the bank down. What is the deal? Let's talk about what's on a Deposit Slip...hmmm let's see well, there's your name, your address, the date of your deposit, your amount of what you are depositing, a spot for your signature, oh and your acct. number. Do you see the pattern here, YOUR, YOUR, YOUR, YOUR. Everything that the bank is looking for on that slip, you should know. Why would you expect a bank rep. to fill that out when she sees 100 other people just like you everyday. I have great parents and when I started to make my own money my dad took me to the bank, opened an account and then he taught me proper bank etiquette. He taught me to keep a register, to memorize my acct. number, and to always make sure my slip was filled out before I entered the presence of a teller. Are we not teaching this to our children? Is it the bank's fault that they are enabling a group of relatively competent and normal functioning human beings by filling out everything for them reducing them down to generational nitwits? I am truly confused by this quandary! Not meant to offend only to vent.


Brittney said...

Amy, I love you! I totally feel your pain. Let's get together again soon. I had so much fun at New Moon (I saw it again with my sister-in-laws a few days later!) Have a great Christmas back home! Oh, by the way, I know we're only supposed to say "Happy Holidays" at work so I deliberately say "Merry Christmas" to customers just to stick it to the man!

Sarah Branca said...

Come on Ams you know you love it when people don't know their CHECKINGS account number!!! Seriously i could post 800 posts about people who don't understand the banking world, but instead lets laugh about it over about Tuesday? :)

Lisa said...

There is just too many people that are lazy idiots now days! It is ridiculous!

jessica& said...

Ha ha! I totally do all those things! My bank must HATE me! I always just send my license and mula through the tube. I think I will put in a little more effort next time in your honor:)

Becktacular Duo! said...

Oh, Ams. I loved this post. Mostly because it gives me an inner glance into the banking world, which we know scares me to DEATH. However, you'll be happy to know I'm working on my bank-phobia because every Friday at my bank they have free cookies. If they can give me a free cookie, I can fill out my deposit slip. :)

Ams said...

Really I love you all no matter how you bank however, the thing I hate the most is when someone who does not know how to bank refuses to learn and that my friends is none of you. I don't associate myself with people who refuse are all wonderful! Including my little ANNSY who has bona fide bank phobia. It's real ladies and it's okay but the bank phobiacs are usually the ones who embrace the learning so placidly and who end up being my favorite customers!

Ashley K said...

Only someone who has worked in a bank can understand this frustration. I feel your pain.

Burton Fam said...

ams: you must be a pre-school teacher ny lil' "cwossant"