Sunday, November 9, 2008

The Harvest is on

I made these cookies and they were delicious. Believe it or not they only require 1 box of Spice Cake Mix, I large can of pumpkin pie filling, and one entire bag of semi-sweet Chocolate chips. They were so yummy and so easy. And now my house is all sorts of decorated for Thanksgiving. I just love this time of year.


Becktacular Duo! said...

Oh, Amsy, they look delicious! I would love the recipie! I also have a killer recepie for pumpkin choc-chip cookies! We'll have have to have a reciepe swap.
Also, from reading past blogs, pretty sure I wish you were MY roommate so you could cook ME lucnh and yummy food... JEALOUS!!!

Kylie and Drew said...

they were good..but im still angry that you only recognize my wife on your blog

Laura said...

YUM! I love that recipe. You've inspired me to go and make some...

Megan said...

ah yes, my sister told me about these cookies! They look so tasty!!! I just LOVE fall!!! I miss you ams!!! So does Sadee, she is sad you never call her back!!!

jessica& said...

Mmmm. Those sound to die for right now. And, I love all the fall decor! Please post the recipe!

jessica& said...

Mmmm. Those sound to die for right now. And, I love all the fall decor! Please post the recipe!