Friday, June 13, 2008

My Sister Julie

So if blogger hadn't been so lame yesterday I could have blogged this on her real birthday, but as it happened I am a day late. My Beautiful, loving, compassionate, and funny sister turned 32 yesterday and I wanted to pay tribute to her and the wonderful woman that she is. She is the greatest mother, sister, wife, confidant, or friend you could ever have. Everyone who meets Julie loves her and everything that she does is beautiful. She puts incredible creativity into her work as a homemaker and her family. She has the most beautiful family and they were heaven sent. She is the greatest older sister, giving advice when asked, what's funny is when you don't ask she still gives it to you but those are the times you need it the most. I have grown up believing that we share one heart. I've always been sure of one thing in my life. When Julie and I were little my mom used to tell us that when we were given the trials we would face on the earth neither one of us could bear to let the other go through it alone so we volunteered to do it together. To have the same exact trial as your sister is incredible but we have always done well at helping each other through it. Julie and I, through the years, have had many an opportunity to figure out that we not only share a trial in life, but we also share a heart. There are so many times in this life that we have felt the pain, sorrow, and even happiness of the other at the exact same time. It's incredible. Last summer I was going through a rough time personally. I was driving from my parents home to my apartment at about midnight, which made it 1:00 a.m. in Texas. I was really upset about something and just kept feeling like I should call my sister or if I could just talk to her I would be okay. Because she wakes up early with her little ones I knew this was not a possibility. As I was getting to the halfway point in my drive, my phone rang and it was Julie. My sister, so in tune with the spirit, got out of bed to call me because she felt like she should. I was so overcome with emotion that I had to pull off on the next exit and I am pretty sure that we both just sobbed for at least 15 straight minutes. She feels what I feel and I feel what she does. When we took the great sorrowful trial in heaven and shared it, we also took half of the other's heart, making the them complete. She is my best friend and my soul mate for the rest of my life and beyond. Happy Birthday my sister I love you!
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Unknown said... made me cry. I totally remember that night. Cannot wait to see you soon. Love you, J

a-hyde said...

dont forget jakes birthday is today.... as if boys even check blogs!!