Saturday, May 17, 2008

Happy Birthday TayKay

This is a picture of my niece Taylor "Teacup"Rose. As strange as it sounds, because of the adoption dynamics in my family, Taylor was the first of the grandkids to join the Kearns Family even though Tyler is actually a few weeks older. She was the first of the nieces and nephews that I ever got to hold. I remember it was the week I was graduating from high school. As busy as I was that week, I was running around like a crazy person, I got a phone call from my brother that said there was an emergency at home and I needed to come home right away. I was kind of sad that week because my sister told me she wouldn't make it to my graduation because Taylor was just born two weeks earlier and she couldn't get away from California. Well after being scared and walking out of a play because I thought there was an emergency at home, I sped home only to find my entire family gathered together to introduce me to my first niece ever. I walked in and just cried as I held my niece for the first time. It was a special moment in my life and I will never forget it. Taylor Katherine Rose. I remember thinking that she was the most beautiful baby I had ever seen. We have always had such a great relationship as Taylor gets so excited to do anything girly and grown up. I took this picture after doing her hair really cute and putting a little make up on her. I miss Taylor when we are not together. I hope your dreams come true this year. I love you Tay Kay.
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Unknown said...

Ahhhh, Aunt Mames, Tay loves you too!

Ashley K said...

I never heard this story before. That is so sweet. I love it. It gets me all teary eyed.

Ashley K. said...

So.... how was your BBQ?????