Monday, March 24, 2008

Spring Break Part 4: Retail Therapy in Las Vegas

We were on our way home from Anaheim and in one piece. When we arrived Becca informed us that she had never had th opportunity to partake in all that is IN -N-OUT , so naturally where do you think we went for dinner? We stayed at my brother's house in Summerlin while they were still in California for Easter. The next day we headed to Henderson to have lunch with Becca's adorably posh and generous, salt of the earth grandparents. They live in the Anthem district of Henderson and took us out to the country club for a wonderful lunch for which I felt extremely under dressed once again. Then we headed back to their beautiful house to enjoy there pool and casita. It was a wonderful time to relax and talk. After our fun in the sun we headed back to Summerlin to get ready for our night on the town. There were two goals for the night. One was to go to H&M and the other was to go to Sephora. These are mine and Becca's favorite stores which we can't seem stay away from in New York when we are there. So it was only natural that we find them in the city of lights. We got back at about 1:00 in the morning and went to bed. Then we woke up the next day, went to breakfast at Original Pancake House, which is a family favorite of ours, and then drove home. It was so fun to just be with friends and have fun.

Spring Break Part 3: Orange County

On Friday we woke from our sleepy existence and headed out for a day of fun. There was some confusion for what were doing so I didn't really get ready, so forgive my dreary appearance. We woke up and went to Laguna Beach California. The four of us share mild obsessions with MTV's hit reality series Laguna Beach: The Real Orange County so while we were so close to Laguna, we had to make an appearance. I have actually been before. But the others had not so it was fun to show them around and eat lunch at Scandia, which is a really fun little bakery in town. Then we drove to Irvine on our way out and stopped at the Spectrum. Becca and I have always wanted to got to Pinkberry which I have previously blogged about. So we stopped there and had some yogurt. It was so good. If you're are ever in Orange County or up in the Hollywood District of LA, you have to try Pinkberry. It mixes real healthy original flavored frozen yogurt, not Ice cream, with fresh ingredients and cereal. It's wonderful. When we finally arrived it looked like an aerobics class at a nearby fitness center had just been let out and all decided that Pinkberry was the place to be, so it was a little busy.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Spring Break Part 2: Disney Land

Disneyland Parade of "A Million Dreams"
Sarah and I boarding Snow White's Scary Adventure
Me and the older nieces and nephew, in line for
the Matterhorn.
To hot for Disneyland's Main Street
In line for Indiana Jones. We waited an hour.

My little sister Courtney and two of my best friends, Sarah and Beccs, drove down to Cedar City to pick me up and then we all went to Las Vegas for the remainder of the week. We spent Thursday with my family in Disneyland and spent the night at a hotel in Anaheim. We had a ton of fun.

Spring Break

Spring Break started out about a week and a half ago. I work at an all girls boarding academy and we had a huge parents weekend last week and while I like to stay busy it was crazy. I was really busy with a two day training seminar I had to attend and one of my favorite girls at the
school graduated so it was a little nuts. I went out to celebrate my week long freedom from studies and projects with my roommates. Then we came home. My roommates, excluding Elyse and I, got ready to go to Mexico for a service mission at 4:00 a.m. the next morning while I worked on some scrapbook projects and card making. It was a lot of fun. I haven't scrapped with paper and pen for a while. It was awesome.

Monday, March 17, 2008

St. Pattys Day Fun

We Had a lot of fun!
Do your best Ashley Olsen!
And Elyse Wins!

This was the aftermath of our monthly themed party so affectionately coined as "Green night at the pub". I just love Elyse she keeps me sane in Cedar !

Monday, March 10, 2008

I love these girls

Our little reunion at last. My best friend Beccs, and my two closest cousins Lindsy and Maddie. I Love them !
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Friday, March 7, 2008

"The Busterest of da Bownest"

I never thought that I would hear my 30 year old, macho, football loving, XBox playing, brother use baby talk to express his love for his son. This cutest kid makes his Mom and Dad crazy with baby talk. When I was Davis's nanny, I can't tell you how addicting his nickname, Buster Brown, is. It catches on so fast. And I would often hear Michael walk in Davis's room after a nap or in the morning or even when he would come home from work and say,
" Hi the Busterest of da Brownest in the whole wide buster world" It was so cute. I love watching my brother with his kids, it's adorable. And my sister-in-law Ashley, A.K.A Supermom, those kids adore her. Aunt Mame, no matter how much fun I was, would never be lucky enough to get the "Momma Hug". Davis sees Ash and his eyes light up, he starts to kick and get excited and then the "Momma Hug" comes, which is only reserved for Mom, thus the creation of the name. It's so cute. Ashley would get Davis from out of my arms and he lays his head on her shoulder and just hugs her. Any how this Little Buster Brown is 1 year old TODAY and I just want to give a shout out to him, his Parents, and of Course his Big Sister Bailey...Have Fun Today and Happy Birthday Davis.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

I love this place. But we are in a fight tonight.

Where is the loyalty? Elyse and I were hungry tonight so we decided Del Taco would satisfy, which it usually does. We went there but we are both trying to do our best in watching what we eat and making sure that we are working out so we split something. But there was a big dilemma because of course we wanted the number 8, Two Big Fat Chicken Tacos, Fries, and a DC. When I order this I get my tacos with no Ancho Sauce and added "Secret White Sauce"(you have to try it, it's amazing... Beccs) Anyhow, Elyse wanted the Ancho sauce so we had to get a #8,1st Taco with everything plus the "Secret White Sauce", 2nd Taco with no Ancho but Add "Secret White Sauce", Fries and a DC. Is it that hard, is it rocket science? It makes perfect sense when they type it in the little screen at the drive through so the customers can see it, ensuring their taco-making accuracy! So then I think, if we were a little confusing with our ordering, the sauces might be a little mixed up and maybe I might have to deal with a little Ancho on my taco...Nope we got TWO DRY TACOS. NO SAUCE for Amy and Elyse. And because I feel a loyalty with Del, because I eat there all of the time, I don't check my meal before I leave the drive-thru. Big Mistake. Never Again. I'll never trust Del again. Where is the Loyalty?

Wednesday, March 5, 2008


No need to drive to LA there is one at the IRVINE SPECTRUM about 20 minutes from Disneyland, where I will be two weeks from today. Jules and Ash, you guys just need to wait for us, get a hotel room in Anaheim, and go with us to Pinkberry on Friday for breakfast. I have been to Red Mango, which is comparable, but I have felt a dyer need to live up my Lauren Conrad experience and taste Pinkberry. I will let you all know how it is, if you have been there tell me how it was. When I hit up the delicious Red Mango in Vegas, I think I got Raspberries and Strawberries. This time at Pinkberry the stops are coming out: Original Yogurt with Fruity Pebbles, Bananas, and Strawberries. Yummy!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

I'm never going to Graduate

I went to a Family and Consumer Sciences Education Graduation planning meeting today...I have so much to do. I don't know why I bother even breathing on a regular basis, it's really interfering with my spare time. There is just so much. And I have to take Chemistry, ten credit hours of chemistry. And I have no time to do it. Between the pre-requisites, which for the most part I have under my belt, and the fact that they only offer certain classes at certain times and during certain semesters, I have a lot to worry about and plan for. My mentor and wonderful professor Kathy, gave me a list at the meeting which had all the classes I will need to graduate. I have like ten of thirty classes done. There is too much to do. I am going to be like a super super senior. Why do we need so much schooling? I swear they make it so difficult. I realize that I am just slow, I changed majors twice, and I took two years off, but seriously I think it's only getting harder. I don't understand how people graduate in four years. At least I know what I have to do now, it's nice to see an end in sight...wait is that an end in sight? Nope it's just the ever recycling, never ending horizon of my school career. It's a conspiracy for universities to make money you know! The longer your'e here, the more you pay.