Thursday, January 17, 2008

Bella is all the talk in our House!

So over the weekend my roommate Dani bought this little puppy and we named her Bella. The inspiration coming from none other than the genius that is Stephenie Meyer's character, Bella Swan, from her most lucrative series. We are having so much fun with her. Everyday we take turns puppy sitting. Poor Dani gets up in the middle of the night and takes her outside every two hours to go potty. Last night Bella had her first big accident so Dani had to empower herself with a little tough love which meant locking Bella up for a few hours this morning to contemplate her wrong doing. We all hope she will make a better choice next time. I love having this sweet puppy in our home.


Megan said...

Ah hahahahah! Make a better choice next time, I love it! How fun to have a little puppy! I want a pet so bad!!! I'm super jealous. My little monkey is having an "accident" in my lap as we speak!

Unknown said...

so dagum cute!