Saturday, April 14, 2007

Spiders and sisters

On February 24Th, 2007 my brother Benjamin joined the married train. He married Ashley Suzanne Hunsaker. This is a picture of an emotional Amy hugging my big brother.
I Love Ben. He introduced me to a lot in life. We are two years apart and when I was six and he was eight, he defined an improper fraction as the country singer Dolly Parton. You may think that this is unnecessarily vulgar and quite childish, but I will have you know there hasn't been a day since that one that I have not remembered the definition of an improper fraction. I must have been in first grade and I have to say I was leagues ahead of the other children the day we discussed improper fractions when I finally got to the third grade.
Ben also introduced me to my first Boy/Girl party. When I got to the seventh grade Ben and I got involved with the same friends. I vaguely remember him inviting me to a Boy/Girl dance party but I definitively remember standing in our Oklahoman drive way, waiting for a ride, asking him tons of expectation questions. He told me it would be alright and I would eventually get used to it. I had so much fun. Thus began a series of parties with our cherished Oklahoma friends. So Ben really did introduce me to a lot in life.
On a funnier note, a story I will never forget is the live aracnophobic experience. Let me explain. One night Ben and I crept out of our beds, walked down the hall to the family room, and decided we were not going to bed, but rather we would stay up as late as we wanted and watch television. Well there isn't a lot on television at midnight so we ended up watching Arachnophobia, because it was the only movie that was available on TV. I remember watching the entire movie and then walking to my room. Now just to explain the dynamics of our house, my bedroom was connected to the boy's bedroom with a Jack and Jill bathroom. Well when I was scared, I would leave those doors open so that if the monster in my nightmares came to life, I could run to my heroic brother and he would rescue me from whatever dream I was in. This was a special night though, as I went to bed not too scared of spiders, I was lying there and all of the sudden I started to hear this unfamiliar scream. I jumped from my bed ran into Ben's room only to find him screaming under his covers because there was a spider crawling toward him on his wall. Poor kid was traumatized and I'm sure if you asked him he would tell you he hasn't watched Arachnophobia since that night.
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Monday, April 2, 2007

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Glen Anderson, Tyree Batt, James Gibson
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Em's Wedding

A few weeks ago I had the opportunity to a college roommate's wedding. She looked beautiful! (Pictures are above) I was accompanied by some of my best friends. I went with my friend Tyree, and our two other good friends from SUU, Glen and James...who are comparable to Batman and Robin, Peanut butter and Jelly, Anne Shirley and Dianna Berry! (okay that was a little far fetched) but you get the idea. Just throw in any dynamic duo of your choice. We had so much fun! College is the best. I love the lasting friendships you make in college. I have so many fun times with these people. I remember one certain spring afternoon when these boys thought it would be a wonderful idea to play a little joke on my roommates and I. Okay to be perfectly honest I don't really remember what started this charade, however I do remember it took hours of driving each others car. Glen (on the left of me) some how found out where I hid my spare car key, which was in a really strange place ask me sometime and I will share. He broke into my apartment, confiscated the key, and then proceeded to take my car into Cedar City and hide it so I could not find it for hours. He later told me that he had a job interview and got that done while out with my car. Needless to say, new job for Glen or not, I was a little less than pleased. This was not a new scene for Glen and I. We had the same car (a Toyota 4runner) and although mine was much nicer, younger, and cleaner he seemed to think this was up for a constant competition. So on some occasions I would come out to the car from class or work and my car would be decorated with the likes of Glen all over it. At a party late in the spring semester Glen decided to dip his hand in the blue birthday cake frosting and cover my face and clothes in it. So what did I do? I covered his car in the rest of the cake, it was classic. So are gone the days of making people's lives a living joke...but aha I am moving into a new apartment complex we shall see who's life I can joke with now. MWAHAHA...MWAHAHA!!!
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Sunday, April 1, 2007

NYC!!!! For Christmas my Dad took my little sister, my Mom and I to New York City. We had so much fun! This was a picture we took on the subway going down town. We went to ground zero, wall street, and the Trinity church. This was one of the best days of my life.
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